Month: August 2016

5 Elements that are toxic to the faith of our teenagers

Dark, ominous clouds rumble overhead. Tornado sirens go off in the distance. Torrential rain starts to beat down on the skylights overhead. I look at the radar, and red, everything is red! There has been a storm brewing in my soul. Every time I start to relax and have a...

My Vanity Fast Part 3: THE CHALLENGE

In Part 1 and Part 2 we talked about what beauty is not, so let’s talk about what beauty is. Beauty is an older woman at church who is struggling with a family that is falling apart. Even through the tears, she is praising her God because His is good. Beauty...

My Vanity Fast and the 4 deceptions of beauty: Part 2

Read part 1 here A couple weeks ago I was chatting with my youngest daughter on our sun porch. “Emily is so much prettier than I am,” she said. Emily, My oldest, is sixteen and curvy. Jessica is skinny—she takes after her father. No matter what I say to Jessica, she can’t...

My Vanity Fast and the 4 deceptions of beauty: Part 1

Five weeks ago, I started my second annual summer vanity fast. Woo hoo! Not vanityfest mind you, . . . . vanity FAST!  (a very important distinction, indeed) What is a vanity FAST, you might ask? Instead of giving up food, I am giving up makeup for five weeks. Vanity is an...